S'mores Recipes: 5 Fun and Delicious Twists on the Classic

S'mores Recipes: 5 Fun and Delicious Twists on the Classic

Whether or not you're a fan of actually eating s'mores, there's nothing more festive than sitting around the bonfire toasting marshmallows, chatting, laughing at that one friend who likes to set their marshmallow on fire and the other who spends 35 minutes perfectly toasting it to golden brown perfection. But sometimes even a go-to snack deserves an upgrade. From a twist on a classic s'more to a Gordon Ramsey level bonfire dessert experience, here are 5 s'mores recipes to suit the whole crew at your next camping trip or backyard bonfire.

5 S'mores Recipes to Upgrade Your Bonfire

1. A healthy upgrade for the S'mores Purist

We guarantee you'll have at least one person who insists that a s'more must include the classic marshmallow, chocolate, and graham to be a true s'more. They are entitled to their (narrow-minded) opinion, but there's still a way to make the classic s'more healthier. Starting from the outside, shoot for a graham cracker with more whole grains and less refined sugar, or make your own Paleo graham crackers. Opt for a dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa to get some antioxidant bang for your bite. If you feel ambitious, make your own marshmallows with less refined sugar (gelatin can actually be great for gut health!). 

2. For the nut butter obsessed

We all have that friend who eats nut butter straight out the jar or pouch (we are that friend amiright?). Channel that energy and squeeze some Almond ButterPeanut Butter or Sunflower Yumbutter straight onto the cracker, then layer it up with one or more of these:
  • A toasted marshmallow of your choosing (obvi)
  • Apple slices (raw or roasted) and cinnamon
  • Step it up: Cut a lengthwise slit in a banana with the peel still on, and stuff it with dark chocolate chips. Wrap it in foil and bake it over the fire, then unwrap and cut it up. 

3. For the DIY enthusiast

MYOM. Make your own mallows. It might sound complicated, but they're shockingly simple to make at home - and you can customize them to make your perfect s'more combos. From mint to vanilla bean to berries, there are endless options for flavoring your marshmallows. You can even make them a bit healthier by using grass-fed gelatin and swapping the corn syrup for honey or maple syrup. Find all kinds of flavor inspo and recipes here.

4. For the Mallow-Opposed

If you're looking for a way to skip the marshmallow (or have a vegetarian or vegan in the crew who doesn't eat gelatin), toast some fruit to go with your graham and chocolate! You may need a grill-type grate unless you choose fruits that can go on a stick. May we suggest fresh plums, peaches, pineapple, or even watermelon?

5. For the Graham-Opposed

If you're into s'mores but not convinced graham crackers are necessary or even a cracker at all (we get it), you still have options! If you like sweet/salty combos, try replacing the graham with your favorite cracker or even pretzel thins. If you're more on the sweet/sweet combo side, cookies are a delicious option, or you can lighten things up with circular apple slices and smoosh your toppings in the center.

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